Blokada immunologicznych punktów kontrolnych w immunoterapii

Societatea Romana de Stiinte Fiziologice  > immune, Isotype, PCR, peptide >  Blokada immunologicznych punktów kontrolnych w immunoterapii

Blokada immunologicznych punktów kontrolnych w immunoterapii


Komórki dendrytyczne i kontrola odporności.

Limfocitele B și T   sunt mediatorii imunității, dar funcția lor este sub controlul celulelor dendritice  . Dendritlce  celulele  din antigeni de captare și de proces periferie, exprimă  limfocite  molecule co-stimulatoare, migrează spre organele limfoide si citokine secreta pentru a initia raspunsuri imune. Acestea activează nu numai  limfocitele , ci tolerează și celulele T   la antigene care sunt înnăscute în organism (auto-antigene), reducând astfel reacțiile autoimune. Odată ce un  tip de celulă neglijat  , celulele dendritice   pot fi acum obținute cu ușurință în cantități suficiente pentru a permite molecula și  celula analiza biologică. Odată cu cunoașterea vine realizarea că aceste  celule  sunt un instrument puternic pentru manipularea sistemului imunitar.

Poprawa czasu przeżycia przy stosowaniu ipilimumabu u pacjentów z przerzutowym czerniakiem.



O îmbunătățire a supraviețuirii globale în rândul pacienților cu melanom metastatic a fost un obiectiv evaziv. În acest studiu de fază 3, ipilimumab – care blochează antigenul asociat four al limfocitelor T citotoxice pentru a potența un  răspuns antitumoral al celulelor T – administrat cu sau fără un vaccin peptidic cu glicoproteină 100 (gp100) a fost comparat cu gp100 singur la pacienții cu metastază tratată anterior melanom.


Un whole de 676 de pacienți HLA-A * 0201 pozitivi cu melanom de stadiul III sau IV irezecabil, a căror boală progresase în timp ce primeau terapie pentru boala metastatică, au fost repartizați aleatoriu, într-un raport de 3: 1: 1, pentru a primi ipilimumab plus gp100 (403 pacienți) , ipilimumab singur (137) sau gp100 singur (136). Ipilimumab, la o doză de Three mg per kilogram de greutate corporală, a fost administrat cu sau fără gp100 la fiecare Three săptămâni pentru până la patru tratamente (inducție). Pacienții eligibili ar putea primi terapie de reinducție. Obiectivul principal a fost supraviețuirea generală.


Supraviețuirea globală mediană a fost de 10,Zero luni la pacienții cărora li s-a administrat ipilimumab plus gp100, comparativ cu 6,four luni la pacienții cărora li s-a administrat gp100 singur (raport de risc pentru deces, 0,68; P <0,001). Supraviețuirea globală mediană numai cu ipilimumab a fost de 10,1 luni (raportul de risc pentru deces în comparație cu gp100 singur, 0,66; P = 0,003). Nu s-a detectat nicio diferență în supraviețuirea globală între grupurile de ipilimumab (raportul de risc cu ipilimumab plus gp100, 1,04; P = 0,76). Evenimentele adversarial legate de imunitate de gradul Three sau four au apărut la 10-15% dintre pacienții tratați cu ipilimumab și la 3% tratați numai cu gp100. Au existat 14 decese legate de medicamentele studiate (2,1%), iar 7 au fost asociate cu evenimente adversarial legate de imunitate.


Ipilimumab, cu sau fără vaccin peptidic gp100 , comparativ cu gp100 singur, a îmbunătățit supraviețuirea generală la pacienții cu melanom metastatic tratat anterior. Evenimentele adversarial pot fi extreme, de lungă durată sau ambele, dar cele mai multe sunt reversibile cu un tratament adecvat . (Finanțat de Medarex și Bristol-Myers Squibb; numărul, NCT00094653.)



Lymphocytes and Langerhans Cells Antibody

abx415072-01mg 0.1 mg
EUR 543.6

Lymphocytes and Langerhans Cells Antibody

abx415072-200l 200 µl
EUR 362.5

Lymphocytes, Langerhans Cells

MBS609963-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 595

Lymphocytes, Langerhans Cells

MBS609963-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2535

CD1a (Langerhans Cells)

MBS6507121-05mL 0.5mL
EUR 880

CD1a (Langerhans Cells)

MBS6507121-5x05mL 5x0.5mL
EUR 3820

Guinea Pig T Lymphocytes Antibody

GWB-Q00954 0.25 ml Ask for price

Guinea Pig T Lymphocytes Antibody

GWB-Q00955 2 ml Ask for price

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCH1888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), Horseradish Peroxidase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCH1888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), Horseradish Peroxidase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCP1888-250 250uL
EUR 472.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), PerCP conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCR1888-250 250uL
EUR 472.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), RPE conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNUB1888-50 50uL
EUR 486
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), 1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCAP1888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCAP1888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCA1888-250 250uL
EUR 472.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), APC conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC431888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF543 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC431888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF543 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC611888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF660R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC611888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF660R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC551888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF555 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC551888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF555 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC051888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF405M conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC051888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF405M conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC801888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF680 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC801888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF680 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC811888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF680R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC811888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF680R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC701888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF770 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC701888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF770 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCP1506-250 250uL
EUR 459.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),PerCP conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCR1506-250 250uL
EUR 459.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),RPE conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCAP1506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCAP1506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCH1506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),Horseradish Peroxidase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCH1506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),Horseradish Peroxidase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCA1506-250 250uL
EUR 459.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),APC conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC431506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF543 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC431506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF543 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC611506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF660R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC611506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF660R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC551506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF555 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC551506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF555 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC051506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF405M conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC051506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF405M conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC801506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF680 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC801506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF680 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC811506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF680R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC811506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF680R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC701506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF770 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC701506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF770 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free)

MBS6268078-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free)

MBS6268078-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

Monoclonal CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Antibody - With BSA and Azide, Clone: SPM120

AMM00439G 0.05mg
EUR 475.2
Description: A Monoclonal antibody against Human CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) - With BSA and Azide. The antibodies are raised in Mouse and are from clone SPM120. This antibody is applicable in IHC-P, IF, FC

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Monoclonal CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Antibody - With BSA and Azide, Clone: O10

AMM00172G 0.05mg
EUR 475.2
Description: A Monoclonal antibody against Human CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) - With BSA and Azide. The antibodies are raised in Mouse and are from clone O10. This antibody is applicable in WB, IHC and IF, FC, IP, E

Monoclonal CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Antibody - With BSA and Azide, Clone: CBT6

AMM01445G 0.05mg
EUR 475.2
Description: A Monoclonal antibody against Human CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) - With BSA and Azide. The antibodies are raised in Mouse and are from clone CBT6. This antibody is applicable in IF, FC

Monoclonal CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Antibody - Without BSA and Azide, Clone: SPM120

AMM00440G 0.1mg
EUR 580.8
Description: A Monoclonal antibody against Human CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) - Without BSA and Azide. The antibodies are raised in Mouse and are from clone SPM120. This antibody is applicable in IHC-P, IF, FC

Anti-CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Monoclonal Antibody

M00375 100ug/vial
EUR 468
Description: Boster Bio Anti-CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # M00375). Tested in Flow Cytometry, IF, IHC applications. This antibody reacts with Human.

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438309-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438309-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

Blokada immunologicznych punktów kontrolnych w immunoterapii raka.

Printre cele mai promițătoare abordări ale activării imunității terapeutice antitumorale se numără blocada punctelor de management imune. Punctele de management imune se referă la o mulțime de căi inhibitorii conectate la sistemul imunitar care sunt cruciale pentru menținerea autotoleranței și modularea duratei și amplitudinii răspunsurilor imune fiziologice în țesuturile periferice, în scopul de a minimiza deteriorarea colaterală a țesuturilor. Acum este clar că tumorile cooptează anumite căi ale punctelor de management imunitar ca un mecanism main de rezistență imună, în particular împotriva celulelor T   care sunt specifice antigenelor tumorale.

Deoarece multe dintre punctele de management imune sunt inițiate de interacțiunile ligand-receptor , ele pot fi ușor blocate de anticorpi sau modulate de forme recombinate de liganzi sau receptori. Anticorpii citotoxici ai antigenului four asociat cu limfocitele T (CTLA4) au fost primii din această clasă de imunoterapii care au obținut aprobarea Administrației SUA pentru Alimente și Medicamente (FDA). Descoperirile clinice preliminare cu blocante ale proteinelor suplimentare ale punctului de management imun, cum ar fi  proteina programată  1 a morții celulare (PD1), indică oportunități largi și numerous de a spori imunitatea antitumorală cu potențialul de a produce răspunsuri clinice durabile.

Kontrola rozwoju limfocytów T regulatorowych przez czynnik transkrypcyjny Foxp3.


Celulele T de reglementare   se angajează în menținerea autotoleranței imunologice prin suprimarea activă a limfocitelor auto-reactive  . Cu toate acestea, se știe puțin despre mecanismul molecular al dezvoltării lor. Aici arătăm că Foxp3, care codifică un issue de transcripție care este genetic defect într-un sindrom autoimun și inflamator la oameni și șoareci, este exprimat în mod particular în celulele T reglatoare CD4 + care apar în mod pure  . In plus, transferul de gene retrovirale de Foxp3 convertește T naive  celule  spre un T de reglementare  de celule  fenotip comparable cu cel al produsului pure T reglatoare CD4 +  celule . Astfel, Foxp3 este o genă reglatoare cheie pentru dezvoltarea reglatorului T celule .

Przewlekłe zapalenie tłuszczu odgrywa kluczową rolę w rozwoju insulinooporności związanej z otyłością.


Rezistența la insulină apare din incapacitatea insulinei de a acționa regular în reglarea metabolismului nutrienților în țesuturile periferice. Dovezi în creștere din studiile populației umane și cercetările pe animale au stabilit corelații, precum și legături cauzale între inflamația cronică și rezistența la insulină. Cu toate acestea, căile moleculare de bază sunt în mare parte necunoscute. În acest raport, arătăm că multe inflamații și gene specifice macrofagelor sunt reglate în mod dramatic în sus în țesutul adipos alb (WAT) în modele de șoarece de obezitate genetică și bogată în grăsimi indusă de dietă (DIO).

Reglarea ascendentă este crescută progresiv în WAT la șoareci cu DIO și precede o creștere dramatică a nivelului de insulină circulantă. După tratamentul cu rosiglitazonă, un medicament sensibilizant la insulină, aceste gene originate de macrofage sunt reglate în jos. Histologic, există dovezi de infiltrare semnificativă a macrofagelor, dar nu neutrofile și  limfocite , în WAT șoarecilor obezi, cu semne de lipoliza adipocitelor și formarea de gigant multinucleate  celule. Aceste date sugerează că macrofagele din WAT joacă un rol activ în obezitatea morbidă și că activitățile inflamatorii legate de macrofage pot contribui la patogeneza rezistenței la insulină indusă de obezitate. Propunem că rezistența la insulină legată de obezitate este, cel puțin parțial, o boală inflamatorie cronică inițiată în țesutul adipos.

Dwa podzbiory limfocytów T pamięci o różnych potencjałach naprowadzania i funkcjach efektorowych.

Limfocitele T naive   călătoresc în  zonele celulelor T ale organelor limfoide secundare în căutarea antigenului prezentat de celulele dendritice  . Odată activate, acestea proliferează viguros, generând celule efectoare   care pot migra către  zonele celulelor B sau către țesuturile inflamate. O fracțiune din limfocitele T amorsate   persistă ca celule de memorie circulante   care pot conferi protecție și pot da, la provocarea secundară, un răspuns calitativ diferit și îmbunătățit cantitativ. Natura  celulelor  care mediază diferitele fațete ale memoriei imunologice rămâne nerezolvată.

Aici arătăm că expresia CCR7, un receptor de chemokine care controlează aderarea la organele limfoide secundare, împarte celulele T de memorie umană   în două subseturi funcționale distincte. CCR7 – celulele de memorie   exprimă receptori pentru migrația către țesuturile inflamate și prezintă funcția efectoare imediate. În schimb, celulele de memorie CCR7 +   exprimă receptori de  aderare  la ganglionii limfatici și nu au funcție efectoare imediate, dar stimulează eficient celulele dendritice  și se diferențiază în celule efectoare CCR7  după stimulare secundară. Celulele CCR7 + și CCR7-T  , pe care le-am numit memorie centrală (TCM) și memorie efectoare (TEM), se diferențiază în mod pas cu pas de celulele T naive , persistă ani de zile după imunizare și allow o diviziune a muncii în răspunsul de memorie.



MBS224794-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1570

Mouse Anti Guinea Pig Lymphocytes And Langerhans Cells Monoclonal Antibody

DMABT-51929MG 2 ml
EUR 546
Description: Mouse

CD1a (Langerhans Cells)

MBS6507121-05mL 0.5mL
EUR 880

CD1a (Langerhans Cells)

MBS6507121-5x05mL 5x0.5mL
EUR 3820

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCH1888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), Horseradish Peroxidase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCH1888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), Horseradish Peroxidase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCP1888-250 250uL
EUR 472.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), PerCP conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCR1888-250 250uL
EUR 472.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), RPE conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNUB1888-50 50uL
EUR 486
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), 1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCAP1888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCAP1888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNCA1888-250 250uL
EUR 472.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), APC conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC431888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF543 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC431888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF543 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC611888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF660R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC611888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF660R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC551888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF555 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC551888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF555 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC051888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF405M conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC051888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF405M conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC801888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF680 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC801888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF680 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC811888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF680R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC811888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF680R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC701888-100 100uL
EUR 279.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF770 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711) Antibody

BNC701888-500 500uL
EUR 654
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (rC1A/711), CF770 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCP1506-250 250uL
EUR 459.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),PerCP conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCR1506-250 250uL
EUR 459.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),RPE conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCAP1506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCAP1506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCH1506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),Horseradish Peroxidase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCH1506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),Horseradish Peroxidase conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNCA1506-250 250uL
EUR 459.6
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),APC conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC431506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF543 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC431506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF543 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC611506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF660R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC611506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF660R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC551506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF555 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC551506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF555 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC051506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF405M conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC051506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF405M conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC801506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF680 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC801506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF680 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC811506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF680R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC811506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF680R conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC701506-100 100uL
EUR 238.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF770 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R) Antibody

BNC701506-500 500uL
EUR 652.8
Description: Primary antibody against CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) (C1A/1506R),CF770 conjugate, Concentration: 0.1mg/mL

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381141-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381142-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Langerin/CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)

MBS4381143-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438445-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free)

MBS6268078-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free)

MBS6268078-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381375-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4381376-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380302-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a/HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)

MBS4380303-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Anti-CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Monoclonal Antibody

M00375 100ug/vial
EUR 468
Description: Boster Bio Anti-CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # M00375). Tested in Flow Cytometry, IF, IHC applications. This antibody reacts with Human.

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438309-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438309-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438309-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438309-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438309-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438384-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438384-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438384-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438384-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438384-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438502-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438502-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438502-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438502-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438502-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438639-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438639-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438639-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438639-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438639-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438742-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438742-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438742-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438742-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

MBS438742-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (PE)

MBS6266957-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (PE)

MBS6266957-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (AP)

MBS6265836-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (AP)

MBS6265836-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (APC)

MBS6266060-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (APC)

MBS6266060-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (HRP)

MBS6266732-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (HRP)

MBS6266732-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

Monoclonal CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Antibody, Clone: SPM120

AMM01440G 7 ml
EUR 580.8
Description: A Monoclonal antibody against Human CD1a (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker). The antibodies are raised in Mouse and are from clone SPM120. This antibody is applicable in IHC, IF, FC

Human Pancreatic Islets of Langerhans Cells

ABC-TC4286 1 vial Ask for price
Description: The Human Pancreatic Islets of Langerhans Cell Culture was derived from Human Pancreas. All donors from which the cells were derived were pre-screened; donors tested negative for the usual blood donation infectious disease panel ABO/RH, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, HIV1 and 2, Syphilis, hepatitis B Core, Human T Lymphocyte Virus 1 and 2, Hepatitis C Virus, Antibody Screen, Nucleic Amplification Test for HIV 1 HCV, West Nile Virus and Antibodies to Trypanosoma cruzi (the agent of Chagas disease).

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (FITC)

MBS6266508-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (FITC)

MBS6266508-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

Monoclonal CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Antibody, Clone: O10

AMM01439G 7 ml
EUR 580.8
Description: A Monoclonal antibody against Human CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker). The antibodies are raised in Mouse and are from clone O10. This antibody is applicable in IHC, IF, FC

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (Biotin)

MBS6266284-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (Biotin)

MBS6266284-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

Monoclonal CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Antibody, Clone: C1A/711

AMM01441G 7 ml
EUR 580.8
Description: A Monoclonal antibody against Human CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker). The antibodies are raised in Mouse and are from clone C1A/711. This antibody is applicable in IHC, IF, FC

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)(), 1mg/mL

BNUM1657-50 1uL
EUR 396
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)(), 0.2mg/mL

BNUB1657-100 1uL
EUR 225
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker)(), 0.2mg/mL

BNUB1657-500 1uL
EUR 485
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (MaxLight 490)

MBS6267406-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (MaxLight 490)

MBS6267406-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (MaxLight 550)

MBS6267630-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (MaxLight 550)

MBS6267630-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (MaxLight 650)

MBS6267854-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (MaxLight 650)

MBS6267854-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (MaxLight 405)

MBS6267182-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 1210

CD1a (Langerhans Cells) (BSA & Azide Free) (MaxLight 405)

MBS6267182-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 5285

Langerin / CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)(LGRN/1821), 1mg/mL

BNUM1821-50 1uL
EUR 396
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Langerin / CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)(LGRN/1821), 0.2mg/mL

BNUB1821-100 1uL
EUR 225
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Langerin / CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)(LGRN/1821), 0.2mg/mL

BNUB1821-500 1uL
EUR 485
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Monoclonal CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker) Antibody, Clone: O10 + C1A/711

AMM01442G 7 ml
EUR 580.8
Description: A Monoclonal antibody against Human CD1a / HTA1 (Mature Langerhans Cells Marker). The antibodies are raised in Mouse and are from clone O10 + C1A/711. This antibody is applicable in IHC, IF, FC

Langerin / CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)(LGRN/3136R), 1mg/mL

BNUM3136-50 1uL
EUR 396
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Langerin / CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)(rLGRN/1821), 1mg/mL

BNUM3608-50 1uL
EUR 396
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Langerin / CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)(LGRN/3136R), 0.2mg/mL

BNUB3136-100 1uL
EUR 225
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Langerin / CD207 (Marker of Langerhans Cells)(LGRN/3136R), 0.2mg/mL

BNUB3136-500 1uL
EUR 485
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

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